S P A C E Alliance Studio Residency

We movers and shakers know that the art of making dances requires SPACE, and while there seems to be plenty of it out there, it doesn’t always feel accessible. DISCO RIOT’s  S P A C E  Alliance Studio Residency program is promoting the cooperation of local spaces and movement-artists. This unique program not only connects dance makers to rehearsal space, but also offers an organized and mindful experience for creative inquiry, artistic development, networking, creative and cultural exchange, and a platform to share work. DISCO RIOT’s community partners provide 40 hours of rehearsal space over the course of the residency period to selected resident artists. In the spirit of community, collaboration and exchange, the residency program also includes master classes taught by the resident artists for their home studio communities, showings of each artist’s work-in-progress, and culminates in a final presentation of artists’ work.

Check out our S P A C E residencies:

If you are a local space interested in becoming part of  DISCO RIOT’s  S P A C E  Alliance, please contact us.