We Are Disco Riot

disco gives form to riot


Mission: To grow social consciousness and connection through collaborative, thought-provoking movement-based arts in San Diego.


Vision: To inform and develop exceptional human beings in community through movement.


Values: Ahimsa (non-harming), Community, Justice, Impact, and Radical Expression with commitment to intersectionality, empowerment, equity, and access.


what makes DISCO RIOT spin


DISCO RIOT exists to elevate a collaborative art culture in San Diego and beyond — because the world needs more movement-based art. We connect dancers and artists who want to move themselves and audiences in ways that push boundaries to make high impact art that promotes community, justice, and movement as a form of radical expression.


DISCO RIOT produces and supports innovative dance programming, connects artists across media and form to grow and intensify our community, and provide an educational space that reflects contemporary and progressive professional realities.


Our intent is to incite the exploration and (r)evolution of what our arts community can truly be, and to change the culture of how dance exists within it. Dance is potent; dance should move people. DISCO RIOT is here to make people feel and see something significant, and to move them towards the unexpected.

DISCO RIOT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization

DISCO RIOT is you, too!

We believe that more collaboration and community (not just artists, but enthusiasts and patrons as well) is the key to growing a healthy and progressive arts scene in San Diego, so check out what we’re up to and join the party! Apply for a residency, come see a show, move with us, volunteer, connect, and share us with your friends. There are so many ways to be part of the DISCO RIOT (r)evolution.

DISCO RIOT can’t do what we do without the generous support of community.

We’d like to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to our Season 7 Donors:


Friends of DISCO RIOT ($100+)

Molly Terbovich-Ridenhour, Erica Buechner, Gail Scott, Jeanne Ferrante, Jennifer Alton, Edward Pogue, Jennifer Lyons, Sabine Steck, Shawn Balthazar, Kendra Jones, Felicia Reyes, Tina Carreras, Conor Pogue, Cecily Holcombe, Manuel Esteban, Desiree Cuizon, Rachel Torres, Becky Phillpott, Samantha Ortega, Lauren Dockweiler, Charles Slender-White, Justin Rivera, Adriana Lopez-Esteban


Admirers of the Revolutionary Groove ($250+)

Jane Blount, Cheryl Soderberg, Bernadette Pogue, Jacqueline Esteban, Sarah K Jaffe, 


Supporters of the Glitter Hustle ($500+)

Jim Mahler & Anita Martinez, Colleen Oga, Stephen Hobbs, Aisha Mahler Salinas, Dawn Fonesca, Lavina Rich, 


Advocates of Righteous Movement ($1000+)

Gary Christie, Zach Leffers, Elva Salinas, Zaquia Mahler Salinas, 


Coconspirators of the Cosmic Revolution ($5000+)

Bessemer Trust

With support from

City of San Diego

San Diego County Board of Supervisors

California Arts Council

National Endowment for the Arts

Clare Rose Foundation
