
Xochii de la Noche (she/they) is the multi-dimensional bruja of play and pleasure from Long Beach, CA ready to entice, enchant, and excite. Xochii has been hypnotizing audiences all over California and online since 2021. This wild Sagittarian spirit knows no bounds and is, among...

In her interview, Chelsea reflects on her use of different mediums, other than dance, that create an atmosphere for her choreography. She also explains her process of creation....

We recently asked Marty about his dance background and the process behind creating his piece. Marty reflects on his own history and how he uses these ideas to create his dance....

Anna’s newest work, created for SPECTRA, brings joyful, riotous fun to traditional Scottish dance. She highlights DISCO RIOT’s gift for musical virtuosity and explosive power to celebrate kinship and determination. ...

We are currently living in a country where misogyny and white supremacy rule unchecked. The rights and humanity of our fellow citizens are continuously compromised; the gleeful disregard for the sanctity of our basic human rights and wellbeing is nauseating....

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." - Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations...

A dream-like meditation on CLEARING SPACE, CLEARING THE BODY from invasive toxic greens, and breathing into the greens of healing. Emerging from the historic and present vines weaving Palestinian and Black solidarity, we channel rage, ancestors, and peace; through dance we deepen our witnessing and...

2020 marks one hundred years since the Women’s Suffrage Movement and fifty-five years since the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Regardless of these victories, there are still substantial limitations to how we access our democracy. “Soul of a Nation” is a visual record of the...

Across vast geographies and wide cultural boundaries our humanity unites us. Border, is a visual poem meditating on the symbolic, identity and territorial borders that divide us....